
Settembre Albano E Romina Power

Settembru Settembru 

8 Ta Settembru

September - Settembru

By Doris Fenech

September - Settembru,
is the ninth month of the Julian and Gregorian Calender year and one of the four Gregorian months with 30 days.
September is known as the month of Our Lady of the Victory 'ix-xahar tal-Vitorja', and students return to school after the Summer holiday.
8th September; The commemoration of Victory Day, 8th September 1943 and the feast of the Village of Mellieħa known as Il-Vitorja.
18th September; St. Luke's Day - 'Jum San Luqa'.
21st September; Malta Independence Day - 21th September 1964.
The first September rain brings out snail in droves to graze, people collect snails from the country side to cook in stews or boiled with sea water and dipped in 'aljole', a mixture of fresh herbs, olives, crappers, crumb of bread, garlic, oil, vinegar, salt and pepper, served with plenty of Maltese crusty fresh bread ('ħobs tal-Malti').
Maltese proverbs - 'Qwiel Maltin'
Nhar il-Vitorja n-nies kolha lbies u borja. - On the Day of our Lady of Victory people wear their best dress and show off.
F' tal-Vitorja, il-bahar jitla' fl-għoja.- On the day of our Lady of Victory the sea rises high, i.e. begins to be rough.
F'San Luqa ż-żara tinħeba l-għattuqa. - By St Luck's Day the wheat is tall enough to hide a young hen.
Xemx ta' Settembru tiftaħ il-bebien tar-rixtellu. - The sun of September time chestnuts begin to sell again the rainy season has already started.

Wikipedia encyclopedia.
Journal of Maltese Studies.
Maltese Meteorological and Agricultural Proverbs
By Aquilina J.
Jeanette settembre

This is a main category requiring frequent diffusion and maybe maintenance.As many pictures and media files as possible should be moved into appropriate subcategories. 3 Vjal Il-21 Ta Settembru, In-Naxxar. Brown’s Grognet Pharmacy Mosta. 2143 2038 41 Constitution St, Mosta. L-attakki tal-11 ta' Settembru (imsejħin fil-qasir '9/11'), kienu serje ta' erba' attakki suwiċidi koordinati immirati lejn siti speċifiċi fil-belt ta' New York u f'Washington, l-Istati Uniti, nhar il-11 ta' Settembru, 2001.

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